Thursday, August 15, 2013

Replication Gateway

I was with a consultant from South Korea this week. So he kept me updated with the technical development in Korea. 

I was told that the latest hype is Oracle Unified Directory (OUD). This used to be Sun OpenDS. 

Surprisingly, he told me that OUD is able to replicate data both ways with Oracle Directory Server Edition Edition (ODSEE). This used to be Sun Directory Server Edition Edition (Sun DSEE).

As I am quite familiar with ForgeRock OpenDJ (which was also from Sun OpenDS), I know that replication both ways is not possible due to the fact that Sun DSEE replication protocol is proprietary. 

Well, but OUD and ODSEE do know each other since they are from the same family. So what if the replication protocol is proprietary? Let's make it even more proprietary! :)

So, here we go ..... let's introduce Replication Gateway! This will bridge the replication issue between ODSEE and OUD.


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